European Commission Grants Funding for “Content Knowledge Package for Teaching Pickleball” Project!

European Commission Grants Funding for “Content Knowledge Package for Teaching Pickleball” Project!


In an exciting development, we are delighted to announce that the project, “Content Knowledge Package for Teaching Pickleball’, also known as PackPick, has received a significantgrant from the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus + Sport programme (250.000 euros). This momentous occasion marks an important step forward in our mission to promote the sport of pickleball across Europe.

European Commission Support:

The European Commission programme Erasmus + Sport  is renowned for its dedication to supporting projects that enhance sports, education, and training. This funding not only recognizes the importance of the project but also demonstrates a commitment to advancing sports education in Europe.

Goal of the Project

The primary goal of the project is to design a comprehensive professional development workshop to equip university instructors and physical education teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach pickleball effectively by providing comprehensive teaching materials, resources, and pedagogical training. The project aims to make pickleball more accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages, genders, skill levels and backgrounds, because pickleball is a sport for all.

Participants will learn content such as instructional task progressions as well as common errors that players might make and how to correct these throughout the in-class and on-court sessions of the workshop. Peer teaching and teaching rehearsal strategies will be used to provide participants with an authentic learning experience.

Partners of the Project

Three members of the European Pickleball Federation—Pickleball Turkey and the Physical Education Teachers Association of Turkey, Pickleball France and Pickleball Spain have collaborated to create the project, which will be coordinated by the Physical Education Teachers Association of Turkey. The Northern Macedonia (Sport Social Solutions) will also be part of this adventure. In addition, as an associate member, the European Physical Education Education Teachers Association (EUPEA) will communicate the outcomes of the project. This two-year-long collaboration heralds a new era of cooperative effort in promoting pickleball education across Europe while respecting its cultures.

The collaboration ensures that the project will be customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of educators and learners in different European regions.

Stay with us for Updates

The “Content Knowledge Package for Teaching Pickleball” is a testament to the power of teamwork and shared vision. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and here’s to a future where pickleball education flourishes throughout Europe!

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